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The Speaker

My name is Faysal Al-Kibbi. I began Beyond the Stereotype in 2015 as part of a social entrepreneurship program called Learn Serve International and am now continuing to run BTS while I attend high-school. When starting, I was an aspiring Muslim eighth grader who wanted to make a difference in the world with an issue that not only affected me, but thousands nationwide.


I was often the subject of racist jokes being stereotyped as a terrorist and an outsider. I felt personally hurt and totally misunderstood. I also realized that my religion was being used and portrayed unfairly. I took it upon myself to try to change people’s perception of Muslims and launched Beyond the Stereotype. My goal is to shed a light on the misconceptions about Islam and Muslims in American society. 

I am a trilingual Lebanese-American Muslim living in the United States, one of the three countries I’ve called home (the other two being Egypt and Saudi Arabia). Having lived in 3 continents, I have been exposed to diverse ways of life, cultures, and religious beliefs which have all shaped me into the person I am today.


I currently attend the Washington International School in DC and am privileged to be getting an education amongst people from all corners of the world. Being immersed in human diversity has enabled me to develop an open mind and understand the value of tolerance amongst all types of people.

Where BTS Has Made a Difference

  • National Cathedral School  .  Washington, DC

  • Washington International School  .  Washington, DC

  • Seeding Innovation Conference  .  Washington, DC

  • Sandy Springs Friends School  .  Sandy Springs, MD

  • Global Issues Network Conference, George Washington University  .  Washington, DC

  • Searching for Common Ground Workshop, MAKAN Foundation  .  Beirut Lebanon

  • ADYAN Foundation Youth Conference  .  Beirut, Lebanon






Teens BTS Presented To
Unique Views on Youtube
Difficult Conversations After BTS Presentations
New Friendships and Contacts Made

How BTS Started

Beyond the Stereotype started off as Youtube channel. I was frustrated by what I was hearing about Islam in the media and from my friends so I decided to make videos and debunk misconceptions about my religion. 

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